Wednesday, July 7, 2010

5 Things you should consider before marrying an Older Man

Personally I have never been someone who preferred an older man for even friendship. I have always been surrounded by younger men both for friendship and dating ever since my college days. I am also married to a younger man and have been happy with my life. Though I am not experienced enough to talk of an older man and younger woman relationship as I never had one personally, I have a few friends who are married to guys older than them at least by 15 years many of whom have regretted doing so. Given below is a Pre marriage checklist or 5 things you should consider before marrying an Older Man.

Conservative Outlook:
We can’t change the society. Even if you are married out of love, the society may brand you as a Gold Digger if your man is rich and established.

Children: The older man may already have children from his previous relationship and may not want one from his younger woman. There is also a probability that he might already have done a vasectomy.

Debts: It may be true that the older man would have got more time to get settled in his career or business and therefore might be well off financially. But there is also a probability that he may already have some debts you are not aware off.

Health Issues: The older a person is the more are the chances for illness and Diseases. So there is a chance that your older man is as fit as you may think.

Habits and Addictions: The older a person is the more are the chances that a person may have certain habits or addictions he may not be able to give up.

So I would say that if you are a Younger Woman looking to marry an Older man, Beware!

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