Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How To Find A Boyfriend Sooner Then Later

Being single isn't fun. If you're single and have been for a while, there's probably a reason for that. There is always the chance that you're single because you want to be, but considering you're currently reading a dating blog, I doubt that. You want a boyfriend, so why isn't one coming along? Well, the most common causes for lonelyville are:

~Being too shy to go out and meet someone
~Not meeting enough guys

The second point is the one we're going to look at today, as the other point is already covered considerably on this website. So without any further ado, let's get into it.

Meet As Many Guys As Possible
When it comes to getting a boyfriend sooner rather than later, there's one thing you need to do: You need to meet as many guys as possible! The thing is, not every guy you meet will be a good match for you. They may live to far for you to make it a proper relationship, or you may simply share different views on life. What ever the case is, it's really not going to work.

Now imagine you only met one guy a week. That's four chances a month to find a guy that's good for you, and if none of those is a match you've wasted a whole month! If however you met four guys a week, you're saving three weeks of you time. Met seven guys a week and you'll most likely find a man sooner then later!

Where Do You Meet These Guys?
Now I know what you're thinking, where are you supposed to meet seven guys a week? I'm sure your schedule's packed up from working or studying? Fear not ladies, where there's a will there's a way. My advice would be to meet guys via as many avenues as possible. You could go out a couple of times at the weekend, and in the week try your hand at online dating. Online dating is great as it allows you to meet and talk to guys from the comfort of you own home. It also allows you to meet a lot more guys then normal, so it's exactly what we're looking for.

When you go out on the weekend, make sure it's not always to the same old place. You want to go to a few different bars (Not necessarily on the same night) and various events. Comedy nights, live shows and festivals are all good places to meet someone. At the end of the day, the more you get out, the more chance you'll meet someone.

So if you're bored of being single and want to find a man asap, remember it's all about the numbers! Good luck.

About The Author: This was a guest post by Lucy at How To Get A Boyfriend, a dating blog for girls that want a boyfriend fast!

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