Friday, October 8, 2010

Finding Love, Despite Terminal Cancer

First off let me explain that Mesothelioma is a particularly aggressive cancer that strikes people decades after initial exposure to asbestos particles or dust. The ingested or inhaled toxic fibers embed themselves in the lining that surrounds vital internal organs. Doctors believe the immune system ceases to function efficiently, spreading the long- dormant mutated cancer cells beyond the point of origin. Because the cancer is rare and latent in nature, and the first symptoms of mesothelioma are subtle, patients are often given a less than favorable prognosis, at the time of diagnosis. Some patients simply accept their fate, and subsequently succumb to the disease within the first year or two. Conversely, other cancer patients are determined to live life to the fullest and fight the cancer. For some, this includes finding love online, and having yet another reason to prove physicians wrong by defying the odds.

Finding Love Online
Finding love online is a pretty daring prospect, even for people who are not living with mesothelioma. Who knows if the person portrayed in the ad is the same individual that sends regular emails? It is important to provide profiles for sites that screen all applicants. Some dating sites simply ask for name, age and email address.

For mesothelioma cancer survivors, finding a genuine love soulmate willing to look beyond the cancer and accept the prospect of living with a mesothelioma victim is very important. Maybe the right person is also a cancer survivor, or has a friend or family member who has also defied cancer survival statistics. Cancer should never define an individual, and with a comprehensive profile, finding love online, while coping with mesothelioma, is possible.

Support Network
Finding love online is part of developing a support network for singles who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma. Living with cancer is difficult. But, sharing the experience with a loved one promotes a more positive frame of mind. In turn, a positive outlook is a key element in successfully surviving cancers like mesothelioma.

A good support network is likely to include a group of individuals also surviving mesothelioma, or those diagnosed with other cancers. Sometimes, true love is found in the most unlikely settings. Who knows? A support group may provide encouragement from fellow cancer survivors, and result in developing a relationship that will also cure a lonely heart.

About the Author : This is a Guest Post from EricStevenson.

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