Sunday, October 3, 2010

How to make a long lasting relationship....?

Hie friends,firstly am sorry for not uploading any article since ten days....I was hospitalized and so was away from you all these days...On the request of our blog reader,a sisterly person for me,Padmavathi garu,i have uploaded this article...How to make a relationship last and grow...Click read more...!

How to make a relationship last and grow?

Many couples wonder how to make their relationship last for ever. Studies show that more than 50% of marriages end up in divorce. Did you ask yourself why that is the case? What happened to the old times where people used to stay together for ever? Time has changed and now there are many issues that contribute to the failure of a relationship.

To make a relationship last, follow the below guidelines:

1. Learn to communicate with your partner-

Learn to listen to he/she says without judgment. Your partner might have different opinion than you and that is fine. You can’t make your partner accept your opinion if he/she does not want to. Be interested and sympathetic because you should care about your partner concerns.

2. Appreciate the other person-

If your partner does something special for you, thank him/her. If your partner makes you a special meal, appreciate the effort. This is a simple thing, but it shows that you appreciate your partner.

3. Trust-

Building trust between you and your partner is essential to making the relationship work and last. You have to be honest with your partner about your intentions and actions. Don’t try to hide things because remember truth will always comes out. Always remember “honesty is the best policy.”

4. Spending time together-

Couples must spend time together alone at least once a week. I know you say you are busy with work, children, house errands among other things and there is not much time. The truth of the matter is there is always time. We all have 24 hours every single day. Why don’t you get up half an hour earlier than usual and eat breakfast together? What about running errands together? I know many families where the wife takes care of the household chores and the husband does the grocery shopping. It is best to collaborate and do the house chores together and go do the grocery shopping together.

5. Keep things private-

All couples argue and quarrel. This is the spice of life. There is not one single relationship that does not have arguments. Remember to keep all arguments private

between you and your partner. A lot of couples when they have arguments, they start telling parents or friends about their arguments. This is not healthy because if you tell your mother for example, the chances are she will interfere in your relationship and your relationship with your partner becomes worse. If you have an argument, agree to solve it between both of you in your own home, not in front of people.

6. Don’t change your partner-

Many couples try to change something about their partner that they don’t like. If you don’t like something about your partner, tell him/her about your concerns, but don’t force him/her to do something they don’t want. If you don’t like the fact that your partner doesn’t exercise for example, you can talk to him/her about it. You can explain the benefits of joining the gym, but you should not force him/her to exercise. Another example, if your partner dresses sloppy and you want him/her to pay more attention to the way he/she dresses, suggest that to them and then it is up to them to take your advice or not.

Hope these tips would be of some help or the other...Keep rocking...!
Sriram Mallik.

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