Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Could laser eye surgery help me find love?

There are many things that could help in your quest to find your dream partner and such factors include luck, circumstances and determination. One of the most important traits needed to find love is confidence and this works on so many levels. Firstly, having confidence is a characteristic that is often attractive to the opposite sex and secondly it will ensure that you actually take the plunge and go out and try and meet people.

People who wear glasses are generally found to have less confidence than those who have perfect vision, although this is not always the case. If you are a glasses wearer who is full of confidence then please accept my apology. A lack of confidence is most likely in adolescent glasses wearers and also those people who have worn glasses from a young age, resulting in deep seated insecurity and self esteem issues. Contact lenses are an obvious solution for such glasses wearers and this can result in an almost instant increase in self esteem. For those not suitable for contact lenses, then laser eye surgery is an option that you could consider. For some people, having laser eye surgery can be an overwhelming emotional experience, especially if you have had particularly bad eye sight all your life. It is not uncommon for people to cry once they realize how good their vision is after the surgery without glasses. This emotional release is a way of releasing all the negative emotions that have been associated with having poor eye sight through their life. They are most definitely tears of happiness and this emotional release can help heal any bad memories associated with having poor eyesight.

Laser eye surgery is one of the most common elective surgeries currently being carried out and the chance of achieving 20:20 vision is now extremely high. There are 2 main types of laser eye surgery which are Lasik and PRK (sometimes called Lasek) and you will be presented with these 2 options if you decide to have the surgery. Lasik is generally the first choice for surgery as the recovery period is a lot shorter when compared with PRK. Most people having Lasik have perfect vision almost immediately and the recovery period is typically only 24 – 48 hours. The risks of laser eye surgery are extremely low and the chances of a serious complication are less than 1 in a 10,000. If you are interested in laser eye surgery you should make sure you do your homework to ensure you are fully informed.

About the Author : This is a Guest Post by Tim Harwood.

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