Friday, February 11, 2011

5 Vanity License Plates that Won’t Get You a Date

You’ve seen them on different websites, while driving down the road, or in pictures that friends and family have sent you. They’re vanity license plates—some of which can be really cute, and others that make you wonder about the person driving the car (and not in a good way). When driving by a cutie in a car, you don’t want them to second guess talking to you because of the message your vanity plate is sending.

While vanity plates can be fun to spot and try to figure out, they can actually scare potential dates away and attract cops. Especially if the officer reading them misinterprets the message and, you may not be aware of this, but each time you are stopped, a record is kept—even if you are not issued a citation.

Frequent stops by the police may have a negative effect on your car insurance once your insurance company finds out about it (and chances are, they will). The more you pay for auto insurance quote and tickets, the less money you have to spend on dates, it all comes full circle. So, this means you probably don’t want to have a vanity plate that says: 

JAILBRD (jailbird). Somebody really had this one on their license and who wants to date someone who is proud of going to jail?

LV2SPD, ND4SPD (love to speed, need for speed). If nothing else, the cops will keep radar trained on your car while alerting other officers up the road that you’re coming. In this instance, even driving a couple of miles over the speed limit could get you pulled over and a citation issued. Some women may like this, but I prefer to live while riding passenger on dates.

DYNGR. According to a news story published on December 9, 2009 in the Muskegon Chronicle, this license plate has been misinterpreted as a racial slur (Die n-word). The owner says it’s an abbreviation that blends his two favorite Harleys: The Dyna Wide Glide and the Soft Tail Springer into one word. Red Flag for me, you would not get another date after seeing this one.

Anything that expresses one’s dislike, animosity, or other negative feelings toward law enforcement (even if it’s not supposed to mean that: see #3.) This can be anything from IH8Cops (again, not a real one) to FDPOPO (“f*** the” and “popo” is slang in some areas for police).

Anything that might can be interpreted as support for drug use (CRAKDUP, or XTASY, for example). This might get you pulled over and you and your car searched for probable cause. I don’t know about you, but dating a drug addict is not on my dating bucket list.

If you must have vanity plates, choose the wording carefully. Even then, ask the DMV to let you see their list of banned or prohibited vanity plates to make sure yours doesn’t even come close. This will prevent your license plate from affecting your insurance premium and more importantly your dating life. 

About the Author : This is a Guest Post from Julee Russo, a dog who focuses on living life and savoring every moment without messing up the next.

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