Monday, February 7, 2011

Think She's Pregnant? Find Out Surreptitiously

If you’re wondering whether or not your partner may be pregnant, but she hasn’t said anything to you yet, there are some ways you can confirm your suspicions. At least until will feel more comfortable to ask her. If she is, she may be relieved to know that you’ve already figured it out. And if it is false alarm... well, then just make amends as best as you can. 

Most obvious signs of pregnancy 

Have her breasts changed? Don’t touch them, no matter how tempting it is. If she is pregnant, they will be tender than usually and even the gentlest squeeze can hurt. Look for these signs: they have gotten bigger and are taking on a more rounded shape; the areola, the area around the nipples, is getting darker; the veins seem to be more noticeable. (This may be very easy to see if she is fair-skinned.) 

Has she missed her period? If you haven’t noticed the usual signs that her period is occurring (discarded pads or tampons or her usual complaints of cramping and bloating) or you know her menstrual cycle and she is late then she very well may be pregnant. 

Is she complaining about nausea or throwing up frequently (and not necessarily in the morning)? If she is, and you know for sure there isn’t a virus going around or she hasn’t eaten anything that disagreed with her, she may be pregnant. Along with the nausea may also come an aversion to food odors such as cooked meat, coffee, or even perfumes. 

Is she more tired than usual? For example, does she fall asleep every time she sits down or does she have to go to bed as soon as she gets home (sometimes without even eating dinner)? Or does she come home from work so fatigued that you can actually see it in her face and in the way she moves? The increased fatigue is usually one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. Taken in conjunction with the other ones listed, as well as your gut feeling that something is different, these can all be signs that you and your partner may be expecting a new addition to the family.

Although it may be very hard to do so, when you approach her with your suspicions, try to be as neutral as possible. If she denies that she is pregnant, drop the subject, unless she asks you why you think so. Then, tell her what you’ve noticed. 


If she tells you that she’s indeed pregnant, and you can’t tell exactly how she feels about that, ask her. Do it before you tell her your feelings because you want to base your response on her emotional state. If she’s happy and you’re not, gently let her know why you feel the way you do. If you’re happy and she’s not, drop the subject and wait for her to bring it up again. 

About the Author : This is a Guest Post from Julee Russo, a dog lover who focuses on living life and savoring every moment without messing up the next.

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