Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Customized Weddings – How to do things your way, on your Budget

There's something ridiculous and slightly insulting about the idea that a wedding has to look like a magazine cover. After all, who's getting married, you or the advertisers? There's almost nothing worse than a "Brand X" wedding, conducted at hideous expense, and completely devoid of character. This is the Day of Days, and its not an off-the- rack event.

Anyone would think that there was some sort of law requiring newlyweds to put up with unbelievable prices, third-rate catering and getting gouged on a daily basis for even the most minimal requirements of their wedding. It's actually quite easy to create your own beautiful wedding, without people removing your bone marrow in the process.

Customized weddings are very easy to organize. These aren't "DIY" weddings. Customized weddings are based on giving control back to the wedding organizers and providing as many good options as possible for wedding planners. It is actually pretty easy to organize a wedding, and save a fortune while you're at it. 

Custom Weddings, Basics

Having control means controlling costs and controlling quality. Wedding planners operate on a strictly controlled budget, and so can you. It's really quite easy to pin down costs, when you know how.

The basic elements of a custom wedding are: 

Location: You can hold your wedding anywhere you feel like holding it, and that includes the reception. You can choose the most beautiful, meaningful place to hold your wedding ceremony and in many cases there is no cost at all involved apart from the cost of getting there. Marriage celebrants are usually pretty flexible, and unless you want to conduct your wedding vows while hang gliding, there should be no problem. 

Wedding guest numbers: The number of wedding guests is actually one of the main costs of holding a wedding. This number is scalable, and to avoid hurting anyone's feelings you can invite people left out of the ceremony to the reception. As a matter of fact, for the best effect, inviting fewer people is usually much better idea. Having a "wedding in a crowd" can be unnerving experience, and the bride and groom it rushed off their feet talking to large numbers of people. 

Catering: Catering really does not have to cost a fortune. Some of the most expensive catering is also some of the worst. If you've ever seen one of those "wedding dinners" in which a tadpole and a sprig of parsley are referred to as a meal, you'll appreciate exactly how much of a rip-off this type of catering actually is. Any competent caterer can provide good food and plenty of it, at reasonable prices. Shop around until you have pinned down exact costs and quality of food and drink. 

Wedding Dresses: One of the greatest wedding myths of all time is the one which says the bride must go broke to have a decent wedding dress. That's simply ridiculous. Any professional dressmaker can produce a perfectly good wedding dress, designed to your tastes, at a reasonable price, using the materials you want. The same applies to the dresses for bridesmaids.

Weddings are personal. So are the costs and quality issues. Just remember – You are entitled to get what you want. You don't have to settle for anything less.

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