Hi friends, today am gonna post you a story that i was sent my one of my friendz Ammaji.. Its quite a long story but still a bit heart touching.. I hope you should surely like it cause i felt tat i had a heavy heart at the end..
Please read it with patience,till the end..!!!
Unexpected love
That is the Final year of the college. There is a gang with some guys and girls. In that gang only a guy and a girl are not committed. Their college life comes to an end.
The gang finished their final exams and they’re enjoying the holidays with their pairs………..
Hang outs will occur frequently in that gang. One day they went to a park.
After sometime all pairs went separately. The guy and a girl who’re single sit together. Guy started talking to the girl.
He: hi
She: hiiii
He: all our friends are committed except us
She: yeah
He: it is so boring to live single rite…? That too in holidays
She: yeah I too think so… All of my friends have boy friend and we are only the two persons left in this world without any special persons in our life (the girl has a crush on that guy. She want that guy to propose her….)
He: We want to do something…..
She: yeah…. We want to think about that….
He: but next month I’m going to US for my higher studies… Before that I want to find a girl….practically it is tough to find a girl within a month and to make her love me……( the guy is an orphan… he suffered a lot in his past life for coming to this position…. So, he won’t trust in love…. He jus want a girl to make him happy for a month)
She: (Inside her: I don’t want to miss this chance) Yeah … I’m having one idea… (With hesitation she told)
HE: oh gr8… Tell me yaar
She: we’ll play a game…
He: what??? Tell me clearly yaar….
She: I’ll be ur girl friend for 30days and you’ll be my boy friend…. (inside her: This is the chance to show my Love, care on him, which he didn’t get in his past life….. God he wants to tell k for this game…. plzzzzzzz)
He: hmmm… That’s a great plan yaar…in fact I don’t have anything to do for the following weeks
She: From tomorrow we’ll start our game…. (Inside her: from tomorrow you’ll see true love from me which you didn’t see in ur past life….. God after 30 days or b4 it, he wants to propose me……..)
HE: Sure yaar……..
Then he and she put some plans for next 30days….
DAY1: They watch their first movie “Vinnaithandi varuvaya” and they got touched by that romantic film…..
DAY 4:
They went to the beach and have their quality time together…..
DAY 12: He invited her to a circus and they ride on a horror house… she was scared and she wanted to touch his hand but she touched someone else’s hand and they both laughed….
(Like this many small incidences happen in their hang outs….. She showed her love and care on him every second…..
Her crush turned into a serious Love on him…. She came to stage that she can’t able to live without him…..)
DAY 15:
They saw a fortune teller down the road and they asked for their future advice. They asked individually For he the fortune teller said: “One girl is going to take care of ur life…. She’ll dedicate her life for you…” and for she the fortune teller told “ur life is going to change in short time…. May be it’ll be within a month or b4 it….”
Both got confused and went from there…..
DAY 20:
She invited him to go to the hill and they saw a shooting star there….
She: hey see the shooting star…
He: yeah… it’s going there….
She: Tell some of ur wishes by seeing that…. It’ll come true one day…
He: Oh k…. Shooting star show me the girl who is going takes care of my life….
She: (inside her: I’m here man… why you’re asking that shooting star stupid….:( )
He: Tell ur wish yaar…
She: Mumbled something
He didn’t hear anything what she told to shooting star….
DAY 28:
They sat on the bus and because of a bumpy road she gave kiss to him by accident…. Both laughed at each other….. She smiled with a shy….
DAY 29:
After finishing their hangouts they both decided to go to that same park….
11.37pmHe and she sat in the park where they first decided to play this game.
He: I’m tired…. I’m want to eat something….Do you want anything to eat?
She: hmmm k… Dairy milk SILK is enough for me… but where is the shop here…?
HE: I’ll just go down the road and buy…. Wait for me…
She: k… come soon….
A stranger approached her….
Stranger: you’re the girl came with that guy ah…?
She: yeah what happened….?
Stranger: a reckless drunk driver ran over him and he is critical in the hospital….
(She started crying and went to the hospital
The doctor came out of the emergency room
Doctor: who is the person came with that guy….?
She: yeah it’s me sir…. (She is crying badly)
Doctor handed out a dairy milk SILK and a letter.
Doctor: We found this in his pocket
(The letter is written by him. He wants to give that letter to her b4 game ends)
She reads the letter and it says:
Hi… Don’t get angry on me after reading this letter….. I want to tell you what I felt while playing this game…. This is not a game…. This is the lesson for me to realize the true love….Daily I’ll pray god that I don’t want to die as a orphan…. I’ll ask him to give some relationships in my life….I think he heard my prayer and sent you… yeah, these past few days, I realized what is the true love…..I realized the care showed by you for the last 29 days which I didn’t get in my past life…… I realized you’re really a cute girl and I’m really falling for you…. Ur cherished smile, ur everything when we played this game….. Before this game ends, I would like you to be my girl friend, my mom, my wife… (all the relations in this world) for the rest of my life…. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
After reading this, she crumples the paper and shouted…..
She: God I don’t want him to die…. I should propose him earlier itself….
She went near to him…. She can’t able to see him also…. Doctors are trying their best to save his life….
(She is crying very badly…. Doctors asked her to get out from ICU
Standing near to the door with tears she told)
She: Hey idiot I Love you da….Remember that night when we saw a shooting star, I mumbled something…. I mumbled that we want to be together forever and never end this game… Please don’t leave me da…. I Love you…. I want you in my life….
Clock strikes at 12…. This is the 30th day doctors came out from ICU….
Doctor: We tried our level best…Anything can happen ….All in god’s hand….
(With tears she told)
She: I don’t let him to die…. If that is his fate… then I don’t let him to die as an orphan….
(Suddenly she called her parents and explained the situation…. She told that she wants to marry him but her parents didn’t accept it… she told if you’re not accepting also I’ll marry him….Her parents told if you marry him then forget us….. She replied one day you’ll understand me and you’ll see ur daughter in a higher position…..Her parents cut the call…)
(She is confused…. She wants to take a decision….)
She is confused…. But no other way to go….she takes the decision to marry him….
She: Doctor Plzzzzz help me… In my dad’s position, You should conduct this marriage… plzzzzz…..
Doctor: Jus think of ur future….
She: I don’t let him to die as an orphan….
Doctor: anyway ur wish……
She: K thank you very much…. I’ll call my friends and they’ll make arrangements for this….
(She called her friends but all refused to come by thinking some problem will come to them……)
She: its k…. No one wants to come… I’ll marry him…. (She shouted in the hospital….)
(By seeing her true love the hospital staffs decided to make arrangements for marriage)
(Jus imagine how the marriage is!!!!!!!!!!…..)
(Doctor as a dad.. hospital staffs as audience… Glucose drops, blood drops from blood bag, Heart pump as the musical instruments….noise by other patients in pain as Mantra, blood drops from him as Atchadai… ICU as the marriage hall……they both got married…..)
She: God I don’t know whether I took a right decision or not…. But you want to save him…. Plzzz… He didn’t see any true love and care in his life… but now I’m there to show all this to him…. Don’t take him away from me…. Doctor’s are doing there best to save him…. God save him Plzzzz ….. (She cried and prayed to god)
After some time a stranger approached her…
Stranger: sorry for incident madam, I’m the owner of the car which hit ur friend…. It is my driver who drunk and hit ur friend… I put case on him… don’t worry I’ll do any help for you and ur friend….
She: He is not my friend…. He is my husband…. He is in death-bed now…. I don’t want anything….(She shouted)
While the stranger talking to her, doctor comes out of the ICU and told…
She: What happened doctor…..?
Doctor: Silence….
She: plzzzz tell something…. What happened….?
Doctor: again silence…
She: plzzz tell something….
Doctor: I’m sorry…..
She: What happened…? (She is crying so badly)
Doctor: we saved him…. But
She: but what happened doctor…..?
Doctor: He is in Coma stage…. Sorry we can’t able to do anything….
She: oh god what is this L…. Anyway I’ll take care of him… doctor when he’ll come to normal…
Doctor: It may happen in 1 month or it may not be happen also…. We can’t able to tell anything…
She: I’ll take care of him doctor…. I’ll take care of him…
(The stranger approached doctor….)
Stranger: what happened doctor… I want to do something for him…..
(Doctor told all things to the stranger. The Stranger felt very bad and went near to the girl)
Stranger: Sorry…. Treat me as ur dad…. Don’t hesitate to ask help… I’m the MD of this company… keep my visiting card… any help jus give me a call….
She: silence
(The stranger decides to give the financial support for them…. But she refused….. The stranger forced her…..)
She: I don’t want anybody’s money for free….
Stranger: Don’t take it as free… If you want I’ll give a job in my company…. Take it as salary…I’m not forcing to join now…. When you’re feeling better you can join…. Please accept this… I’ll be some what happy….
She: Silence….
Stanger: You can also bring ur husband to office and take care of him…. I’ll make all arrangements for that…
She: hmmm k… I jus think that if go to job, who’ll take care of my husband but now I got ans for that….
Stranger: thx for accepting madam….
She: I only want to say thx to you sir….Thank you so much…..When my husband’s injuries are cured I’ll join…
Stranger: Sure…. Ok after discharging from hospital, my company’s guest house is there you both can stay there….
She: Hmmm k thank you sir….
(After some days she joined in the company and also she took care of her husband)
(She will feed him, clean him, brush his teeth,… She dedicated her life to him…. She will take care of him like a born baby…..)
(She also concentrates on her work and come to an higher position….. After 3 years she bought a house for them…. Now she got all basic needs for running their life…. She achieved this bcoz of her True Love and confidence….)
(One day she went to a doctor)
She: Doctor I want to give birth to his baby…. Is there any possibilities…
Doctor: k… may I know the reason for this sudden decision…
She: If anything happens to me… Then he’ll be an orphan…. I don’t want him to become orphan again… I want to fulfill his wish…. If anything happens to me also my child will be there for him…. I don’t let him to die as an orphan….
Doctor: yeah now the technology is improved very much…. So you can give birth to his baby….
She: k doctor…. (Happily she went to her home)
(She enters the home very happily and went near to him)
She: Hey do you know within some months you’re going to become Dad…. I’m very happy today darling…..
(He is not in the position to understand this….)
(After some months she gave birth to a baby… The baby is boy)
One day He comes to normal from coma……
He wake up from his bed and saw a baby playing near to him…..
He don’t know where he is… what happen to him these days…. After some minutes he thought about that game and cried very badly….
He: God where is she….
He: How many days I’m like this…. (He shouted)
He turned and saw a photo hanged in the wall… He started crying… In that photo He and She is posing near “TAJ MAHAL”…. He is sitting in a wheel chair…. Then he remembered, One day while playing that game he told that definitely I’ll go “TAJ MAHAL” once in my life with my lovable wife… She noted that and took him there… Suddenly a girl came to his room and called her husband….
Girl: Hubby see ur father came to normal… I think he is cured… (That is his daughter in law)
Son: dad… dad…. Are you k…?
He: Who r you….?
Son: dad I’m ur son….
(Son introduced all persons to him)
Son: Dad she is ur daughter-in-law…. He is ur grandson and she is ur granddaughter…..
(Son told all the things which happened… and he gave a diary written by mom to his dad)
(After finish reading diary he asked)
(He was in coma for 40 years)
He: Where is ur mom….? I want to see her….. I want to see her… (He shouted)
Son: K dad…. Come with me…..
(He eagerly went with his son to see her)
Son: (Son lifted his hand and showed) See there dad….
He: Yeah she is sitting there… (He ran towards her)
Son: Dad…. Dad… wait….
Son: That is the wax model of mom…. It’s a statue dad….
(He suddenly stops and come back to his son)
He: Where is ur mom…. Where is ur mom…. (He cried and shouted)
Son: Dad….. come with me I’ll tell you
(Son takes him near to the statue and said)
Son: 2 years back mom died… when she is in death bed , she called me and told ur wish…
He: what r you saying….?(He cried very badly)
(when they played game, once she asked what is ur last wish when you’re in death bed… For that he told I want see my girl’s face when I die….)
Son: Mom noted all ur wishes and made it true dad….. (son cries)
(He went near to the statue…. He saw a CD in the hand of the statue…)
He: What is that CD…?
Son: that is mom’s speech dad… She want to tell you something… When she is death bed we recorded this….
(When he went to take the CD he saw a heart placed in the statue….)
He: what is this son….
Son: That is the heart which lived for you for the last 38 years…. Which beats for you only… Where ur love is placed…. Mom heart dad…..(Son cried)
(By seeing that He cried very badly)
(He played that CD)
She: Hi darling…. How r you…? I know you’ll be normal one day and will see this… I think I fulfilled some of ur wishes… Do you know I’m a lucky person in this world…. God gave chances to show my love to you…. God Gave chances to fulfill ur wishes…. I’m very happy to die… but the only sad thing is I can’t able to say “I Love You” when you’re normal…. “I LOVE YOU” darling…..
(Her heart waits for her to finish “I Love You” and its stops….. she died)
(He cried very badly while seeing this video…..)
He: You gave me all the things…. You gave me a family…. B4 I Saw you, No one is there to take care of me… but now, there is my son, daughter in law, grandson, granddaughter….. all r there.. But without you now I’m feeling like an orphan… you’re a very lucky person showed all ur love, care on me…. But me I didn’t do anything for you…. Without you this is like a hell for me…..
( He cried very badly….)
(After that he lived with his family…. But always he’ll think about her and the game played with her… One day he was serious due to some health problem. He knows that, he is going to die in some minutes…. He slowly moves to her statue)
He: Hi darling… I’m very happy now….In some minutes I’ll come to you… I’m going to see you after a long time… I want to say one thing darling….. I lOVE YOU…. I LOVE You darling ( By seeing her heart in that statue he told)
(This is the first time he is saying that to her… Her heart is waiting for this word only till now….After hearing that her heart starts to beat… yeah that is the power of love…. He took that heart in his hand…. He can able to feel, that heart is beating for his words… after some minutes he died… Both heart beats stopped at same time….. )
Last word spoken by both of them is “I LOVE YOU”…
Their true love still exist in this world….
In ur life also whatever happened to ur loved ones… Don’t leave them or break with them…. Take it as the chance given by the god to show ur love on them….
Love – a nice feeling in this world… Don’t spoil that feeling by ur lust…..
Feel it and Live for it!!!!
*****THE END*****
Hope you might have like it.. Keep rocking,
Sriram Mallik.
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