Friday, March 26, 2010

Boy friend Vs Best friend

This article is mainly for girls/ladies......Tat is to explain the importance of best frnds and boyfriends by removing the concept of prioritizing from your minds...Click read more..!

Have you ever felt that your best friend starts to walk away from you after you get a new boyfriend? Maybe you will begin to blame her and think that she is not a real best friend, because if she is a best-friend she will support you when you get a new boyfriend. Or maybe she’s jealous at you because you get a boyfriend while she doesn’t. I suggest you not to have negative thought about your best friend, maybe she walks away from you because you have changed since you get a new boyfriend. These following things are some reasons why you lose a best friend after you get a new boyfriend:

1. Cuddling in front of your friend
If you want to cuddle with your boyfriend, you better choose a time when your friend is not with you. Of course she will feel uncomfortable if you hug and kiss your boyfriend when three of you should complete the assignment from the office, or when three of you take lunch in coffee shop. Yes she is your best friend, but each person has their own tolerance limit, no one likes to be ignored while you are making out with your boyfriend.

2. You try to be a matchmaker
You try to match your best friend with your boyfriend’s friend. If indeed you want to help your friend to get a boyfriend, tell her frankly, don’t let her feel uncomfortable because you are trying to match her with a new man that she hasn’t known before. Choose a comfortable place to double date, don’t force your friend to love the man who you choose, because not everyone can fall in love at the first sight, let her decide whether she will continue this relationship or not.

3. You like to show off your dating moment
Every weekend you like to show off your dating moment without asking what she has done at the weekend. Everything is only about you, your boyfriend, and your romantic dating. You just want to be heard without giving a chance to your friend telling about her weekend. Maybe she feels lonely
, but you don’t care about her feeling because you are falling in love with your boyfriend. Then don’t be surprised if your best friend leaves you, she is also a human and she needs to be heard too.

4. You tell about her secret to your boyfriend
Perhaps you are trying to be honest with your boyfriend, but it doesn’t mean that you can tell him about your friend’s secret. It feels painful when your secret was opened by your own best friend, so don’t do it to her. You should be able to choose any topic that deserves to be discussed with your boyfriend, you better talk about your life than open your best friend’s secret.

5. You involve your boyfriend without asking your friend first
One day your friend asks for time to talk to you, but without asking her first, you also involve your boyfriend in that conversation. I bet your friend won’t tell about her problem to you, because not everyone can open up when there is a third person. After all he is your boyfriend not your friend’s boyfriend, so he doesn’t need to be involved in your friend’s problem.

So friends,never give full priority to a single person ie.either ur best frnd or your boyfrnd cause both are like your two eyes....If you give priority to only one then the other would certainly be hurt.....So take care of everyone equally......Keep rocking...!
Sriram Mallik..

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