Thursday, April 15, 2010

Love Just Happens

Sometimes we reach a point where we just need someone to settle down with. A female friend of mine confides that at that stage, one feels some pain in the pit of her stomach at the sight of a baby, an indication that she wants her own. When this happens, many men and women have gone ahead to actively search for love. They throw their everything into the search for a partner. When they meet anyone, and note the word anyone, they try to fashion a lover out of them. This height of desperation is what hurts most when it turns out that the person they did everything to find, the person they did everything to make their own, the person they really thought was theirs, has actually broken their heart and left them in pain.

Instead of waiting for their broken hearts to heal, instead of waiting for a worthy man or woman to come along, they go out again and repeat the same mistake, and this time settle for someone worse, for desperation has increased. Should this be the case? Of course not. In my opinion, love just happens. Sometimes you have to wait for your turn, sometimes you have to trust your instincts but also listen to the voice of decency. Yes, you need someone but not anyone. Someone worthy of you shall pass by, someone who deserves you shall come by and no one has to train your eyes in order to notice this someone. Your heart shall communicate, and your mind shall agree too that they deserve you for who you are.

What then should you do? Your chances of finding love shall be determined by where you hang out and with whom you do so. I have argued in the past that the highest chances of finding long lasting love are the classroom, the church, your neighborhood, the community or municipal library, and the workplace. Chances of long lasting love being found in these five places are higher than in so many other places. If you no longer go to school, at least you remember some warm classmates, and if not, surely you have a neighbor who is friendlier than usual, and with good intentions, and still if not perhaps you go to church and if not still, then you read so much that you have forgotten all about your God and therefore may find someone in the library.

My advice has always been that when looking for love, long lasting love, one must avoid the pub, the brothel, lonely hearts columns, the gym and the internet. These places offer a good chance of being deceived and ending with an even greater heart burn! But like I have pointed out, sometimes love just happens and sooner or later there is always someone for everyone of us.  

This is a Guest Post by  Jimmy Shilaho. He is a freelance writer and write of sites like Triond.

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